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Check Out Our Newly Improved Works Library!

We’ve made a lot of improvements to the Visual Components Works Library. Check out what’s new!

We’ve made a lot of updates and improvements to the Visual Components Works Library in Works v5.3, including:

Continue reading to learn more about what’s new in Works v5.3!

Works Process – Resource Location Types & Keep Product Orientation

Improved resource location control and material flow visualization:

Improved Resource Location Frame tool in Visual Components Works Library
Improved RelativeToProduct tool in Visual Components Works Library
Improved NearestGrid tool in Visual Components Works Library
Improved KeepProdOrientation tool in Visual Components Works Library

Works Robot Controller – Motion Path Control

Improved robot motion control – MotionPath tab can be used to control robot movements during the pick & place operations.

Improved MotionPath tool in Visual Components Works Library

Property Descriptions:

Improved OptimizeCycle tool in Visual Components Works Library
Improved ScrunchFactor tool in Visual Components Works Library

Additional properties in Advanced, “Optimization” and “Monitor” can be used to fine tune the robot movements.

Improved MinJ1Delta tool in Visual Components Works Library
Improved Optimization properties in Visual Components Works Library
Improved Monitoring properties in Visual Components Works Library

Works Shelf Buffer

Improved resource location control: Resource location is now supported. “ResourceLocation” type is by default “RelativeToProduct”. In addition, offset, side and rotation are supported.

Improved Resource Location tool in Visual Components Works Library

New Task – “ReserveResource” & “ReleaseResource

Resources can be reserved for tasks specified by the user.

New Task – “TransportInPattern

Support for patterns:

New Tasks –  “WaitProductPick” & “WaitProductPlace

Passive pick & place = resource is not allocated by the works library.

These tasks don’t define how products are picked/placed or by whom. For example, a robot program could be used to pick & place the products with grasp and release.

Task Update – “Feed

Property reading with “#” in ToolName:

Task Update – “Loop

UserVariables in Count & break affects immediately:

Task Update – “Delay

Support for distribution UserVariables:

Further reading